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Boeing prepara lançamento de satelite de vigilância.

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Boeing prepara lançamento de satelite de vigilância. Empty Boeing prepara lançamento de satelite de vigilância.

Mensagem por Jose Luis Silva Ter 21 Set - 9:04

Boeing Space Based Space Surveillance Satellite Ready for Launch

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Sept. 21, 2010 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and its teammate Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. today announced that the Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) satellite and ground system have completed final testing. The satellite is scheduled to be launched Sept. 25 from Vandenberg Air Force Base in Lompoc, Calif.

Once on orbit, SBSS will dramatically improve the accuracy and timeliness of space situational awareness for the United States. The satellite will be the U.S. Air Force’s only space-based sensor capable of detecting and monitoring debris, satellites and other space objects without limitations from weather, atmosphere or time of day.

"Every day, threats to our nation’s valuable satellites and space platforms are growing," said Col. J.R. Jordan, vice commander, Space Superiority Systems Wing, U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center. "SBSS will revolutionize our ability to find and monitor objects that could harm the space assets we depend on for security, communications, weather forecasting and many other essential services."

Jose Luis Silva
Jose Luis Silva

Mensagens : 273
Data de inscrição : 25/06/2009
Idade : 58
Localização : Lins -São Paulo

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